Raccoon (Procyon lotor)

Projects to locate and control raccoon populations.


- Regional Government of Castilla-La Mancha.


Eradication of the residual raccoon population (Procyon lotor) in Toledo.

Goal: Survey of the sections with residual raccoon presence in the River Tagus (Toledo) and selective trapping of the species.


- Regional Government of Castilla-La Mancha.


Eradication of the residual raccoon population (Procyon lotor) in Toledo.

Goal:Selective trapping of the raccoon in the Tajo River (Toledo) in order to eradicate the last specimens present.


- Regional Government of Castilla la Mancha.


Actions for raccoon control (Procyon lotor) in the province of Toledo: marking with GPS telemetric collars and selective trapping.

Goal: Marking of two male raccoon specimens (Procyon lotor) with GPS collars to be used as "Judas" in the capture of territorial females in the province of Toledo. Captures of adult females to eradicate the species in the province of Toledo (Castilla-La Mancha).


-Biodiversidad Foundation.
- Ministry of Environment(MAPAMA).


Monitoring and control of an invasive species: the case of the raccoon (Procyon lotor).

Goal: Detection of the Raccoon in the Autonomous Community of Castilla-La Mancha Determination of its area of distribution. Control campaigns. Training courses for managers of protected areas and environmental nurseries on the potential risk to biodiversity of invasive alien species. Design of an Alert Network.

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- Regional Government of Castilla la Mancha.


Detection, control and proposed management of invasive alien species in the Community of Madrid: the case of the raccoon (Procyon lotor).

Goal: Fieldwork to find out the distribution and approximate densities of the target species in the Community of Madrid Monitoring of the raccoon population. Preparation of a Management Plan for its control and eradication. Training courses for managers of protected areas and environmental nurseries on the potential risk to biodiversity of invasive alien species.


- Regional Government of Castilla la Mancha.


Assessment of the impact of invasive carnivores on native species.

Goal: Detection of the raccoon (Procyon lotor)in the Castilla-La Mancha region of its distribution area. Control campaign. Training courses for managers of protected areas and environmental nurseries on the potential risk to biodiversity of invasive exotic species.